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Dear Parents, Guardians and Community,
What's On This Week
- Tuesday, Mar 4 – Shrove Tuesday
- Wednesday, Mar 5 – Ash Wednesday
Upcoming Events
- Public Holiday Monday March 10
- School Closure day Tuesday March 11
- School Naplan Year 3 and 5
- Writing March 12
- Reading March 13
- Language Convention Mar 17
- Mathematics March 18
- Catch ups March 19/20
- Catholic Education Week
- Prep 2026 Information Session for new families 9:30 am or 7pm
- St Patrick's Cathedral Mass for School Student Leaders Friday Mar 21
- School Photos Monday March 24
This week we come together for the beginning of our Lenten Period. We now enter a period of preparation of prayer, fasting and alms-giving (charity) for the most sacred time of our Church, the Resurrection of Jesus. All our students have made Lenten Promises, an action that they will take, during this time. It may be to clean their room without asking, give money to the poor, or another act. May we all use this time to become better people.
Shrove Tuesday: A huge thank you to Katie and Kate for their organisation for the Shrove Tuesday, it was a huge success. Our students and staff appreciated all our volunteers efforts that brings such joy.
Working with Children's Check. A timely reminder to parents after the many many volunteers we had yesterday assisting with the cooking of pancakes. Following child safe practices, we would like all our parent volunteers to have a working with Children check completed
If you have not had yours completed, please follow this link to organise your working with children check. Thank you.
Thank you for your ongoing support
God Bless
Australian Early Numeracy Screening Project 2025
You will have received an email from your classroom teacher this week in regards to consent for the Numeracy Screening Research Project.
Can we please have the consent completed by the end of Week 7 Friday 14th of March.
As part of our commitment to giving your child the best possible start in their school education, our school has enrolled in a research project to develop a quick and easy measure to identify children in Prep and Year One who are likely to need extra help in numeracy. Because this is a research project and information about how well the tool works will be shared with the research team, we require parental consent for children to participate.
Please view the parent information letter available here which contains details about the research and who to contact if you have further questions. You are then invited to register or decline consent for your child to be included using this online form. If you would like to receive and return a printed copy of consent, please see your classroom teachers, they have them readily available.
Thank you for your support,
Rebecca (Maths Leader), Prep and Yr 1 teachers
St Mary’s Faith News
School and Parish Connections
Luke 4: 1-13
Filled with the Holy Spirit, Jesus was led by the Spirit through the wilderness where he was tempted
Filled with the Holy Spirit, Jesus left the Jordan and was led by the Spirit through the wilderness, being tempted there by the devil for forty days. During that time he ate nothing and at the end he was hungry. Then the devil said to him, ‘If you are the Son of God, tell this stone to turn into a loaf.’ But Jesus replied, ‘Scripture says: Man does not live on bread alone.’
Then leading him to a height, the devil showed him in a moment of time all the kingdoms of the world and said to him, ‘I will give you all this power and the glory of these kingdoms, for it has been committed to me and I give it to anyone I choose. Worship me, then, and it shall all be yours.’ But Jesus answered him, ‘Scripture says:
You must worship the Lord your God,
and serve him alone.’
Then he led him to Jerusalem and made him stand on the parapet of the Temple. ‘If you are the Son of God’, he said to him ‘throw yourself down from here, for scripture says:
He will put his angels in charge of you
to guard you,
and again:
They will hold you up on their hands
in case you hurt your foot against a stone.’
But Jesus answered him, ‘It has been said:
You must not put the Lord your God to the test.’
Having exhausted all these ways of tempting him, the devil left him, to return at the appointed time.
Shrove Tuesday - Pancakes
A huge thank you to our amazing parents and friends for their generosity and hard work during our Pancake Day event yesterday!
This delicious celebration wouldn’t have been possible without the generous donations of pancake mix and toppings.
A special appreciation goes out to the wonderful parents who volunteered their time to cook and serve, creating a fantastic experience for everyone. Thank you to the following: Kate and Mitchell van Noordenne, Katie O'Hara, Marcia Powell, Chantelle Jacobs, Kellie Pont, Cathy Adamczyk, Kate McCutcheon, Kimberley Simpson, Cerise Canon, Catherine Johnson, Gillian Sementilli, Elisha Lusi, Sian McNutt, Kevin Potter, Adrian Murphy, Kieran O'Hara, Annie Dunlea, Kura Antonello, Leanne Sabotkoski, Amy West and Tazmayn Goode.
We also want to acknowledge the dedicated organizers who ensured everything ran seamlessly.
The joy on our children’s faces said it all! As a school, we are incredibly grateful for our supportive parent community in making this event such a memorable success.
Ash Wednesday Mass
Today, we mark the beginning of Lent with a heartfelt Ash Wednesday Mass led by the students in Year 3/4.
We are deeply grateful to our dedicated choir, whose beautiful voices brought a special touch to the occasion. A heartfelt thank you to Monique for her unwavering support in providing music and guiding our talented singers as they practiced the hymns.
We also extend our appreciation to the families who joined us for the Mass – your presence is always valued and cherished.
Lent is a sacred time for reflecting on God’s love and Jesus’ sacrifice.
While tradition encourages giving up indulgences, at St Mary’s, we inspire our children to focus on positive changes and acts of selflessness. Our students have made Lenten promises, blessed by Fr. Greg, and will seek strength through daily prayers at school.
Let us walk this Lenten journey together, embracing kindness and compassion toward others.
Project Compassion
Project Compassion is Caritas Australia’s annual Lenten fundraising and awareness-raising appeal. Caritas Australia is an international aid and development agency of the Australian Catholic Church.
They strive to seek social justice and dignity for every person.
Project Compassion assists and empowers communities in Australia and all over the world by helping those in great need to shape a better future for themselves, their families and their communities. With help, compassion and our support, Caritas hopes to work towards a world where all people may thrive!
In every classroom there is a project compassion box. During this time of Lent, the children are being encouraged to be compassionate and think of others in need. As part of our Lenten journey we think of those less fortunate and consider ways we can help.
We would like to fill the boxes as much as we can - ways the children can contribute are:
- Put some of their pocket money into the box.
- Choose to donate icy pole money.
- If the children have given up a treat - try and donate the cost, so the children can see their abstaining is benefiting someone else.
You will see posters around the school encouraging participation, but also letting you know how the school’s contributions will support those less fortunate that us!
Each week of Lent, the Charism team will be counting the donations made to Project Compassion and will report back to the school community at Friday afternoon’s assembly.
Creator God,
You are our constant hope in the season of Lent. You call us to prayer, fasting and love of those most in need.
As a community of faith and courage, let our gifts to Project Compassion be symbols of hope and compassion for we are one human family.
Be with us as we journey with Jesus to bring “good news” to all creation and ready our hearts to work for the common good of all your people.
We ask this prayer in Jesus’ name. Amen
Lenten Liturgies
As part of our school Lenten journey we will be holding a Lenten Liturgy in the Church every Monday afternoon at 3:15 during the season of Lent.
All are welcome to attend
Lenten Liturgy |
Date |
Year Level Leading |
1 |
17th March |
Charism Team & year 2 |
2 |
24th March |
Charism Team & year 1 |
3 |
31st March |
Charism Team & Prep |
Prayer Cloths
Calling All Sewers! Help Create New Prayer Cloths
Thank you to the parents who volunteered to make the new coloured prayer cloths for our prayer tables.
We are now in need of new white prayer cloths for our prayer tables. The fabric has already been purchased, but we need volunteers with sewing machines who are willing to help make them.
Each class requires one white prayer cloth, used throughout the year to reflect the liturgical seasons. If you can assist with this meaningful project, please contact me at
Your time and talents are greatly appreciated!
Altar Servers
Join Our Altar Server Team!
We are looking for students in Years 3-6 who would like to train as Altar Servers!
We have had a couple of students keen to train, but we do need a few more children to sign up before we can begin the training.
As an Altar Server, you play an important role in supporting Fr. Greg during Mass. You will be part of the entrance and recessional processions and, most importantly, assist in preparing the gifts for the Eucharist.
If your child is interested in this special opportunity, please contact Mrs. Lipnicki at or Fr. Greg at
We look forward to welcoming new Altar Servers to our team!
Sacramental Program 2025
This year the only Sacrament the school will be facilitating is the “Rite of Reconciliation”
If you child is in Year 4 and is yet to make their “First Eucharist” please contact Mrs Lipnicki at
Likewise if your child is in Year 6 and is yet to make their “Confirmation” please contact Mrs Lipnicki at
School Masses
All families are welcome to attend the school Masses.
At St Mary’s, students sit as a class with their teacher in reserved pews.
The Altar servers sit in the first pew to the left of the Altar. The pews to right of the Altar are reserved for the choir and music ministry.
Parents are asked to find a seat towards the back of the church and not sit in the pews reserved for the school children.
Interschool Sports
District Swimming
"Poetry Slam" at Willy Lit Fest – Get Involved!
Exciting news! As part of the Willy Lit Fest, a Poetry Slam with our students will be held at Williamstown Town Hall on Saturday, 21st June, from 1:30 – 2:30 pm.
If your child enjoys writing, performing, or wants to build confidence in public speaking, encourage them to join our Poetry Club! Open to Years 1–6, this is a fantastic opportunity for students to develop their creative expression in a fun and supportive environment.
From next Wednesday, we’ll be planning, writing, and editing with the goal of performing at the Poetry Slam. It will be several weeks of planning all working towards the SLAM!
Mr. Daryl will be working closely with younger students to ensure they feel supported.
We’d love to see as many students as possible get involved—let’s make this an unforgettable experience!