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Dear Parents, Guardians, and Community,
We hope you are settling into the new school year. Here’s a look at what’s happening this week and beyond at our school.
What's On This Week
Tuesday, Feb 11: Parent Meet and Greet Meetings (1:30 PM – 6:30 PM)
Wednesday, Feb 12: Year 2 Meet and Greet (9:00 AM – 11:00 AM)
Wednesday, Feb 12: Swimming Trials
Upcoming Events
Wednesday, Feb 19: District Swimming
Tuesday, Mar 4: Shrove Tuesday
Wednesday, Mar 5: Ash Wednesday
Closure Days 2025
- Tuesday, Mar 11 Flourishing Learners - Writing
- Monday May 19 Mathematics
- Monday July 21 Literacy
- Tuesday June 10 Faith Formation
- Monday November 3 Time in Lieu
- Wednesday December 17 2026 Planning
Meet and Greet Success
Thank you to all parents who attended our Meet and Greet sessions. This was a valuable opportunity for families to share insights about their children with teachers and strengthen our school-home partnership.
Arriving at School on Time
With our new Spelling program operating at the start of the school day in many of our classes, it is vital that students arrive on time. I don't know any student who can afford to be missing their spelling lessons. We can already see the improvements in the students. Thank you to the families for your support in making this change. Families, Teachers and Students are feeding back to me what a positive change it has made.
Where possible, we have been communicating with our Private Music Teachers so lessons do not occur during Literacy and Numeracy. As a result they will now also have lessons after school up until 5pm, allowing prep students to have lessons and students from other schools.
Evacuation Practice
As part of our safety procedures, we will be conducting an evacuation practice. These drills ensure that students and staff are well-prepared in the event of an emergency.
Pilgrimage: The Footsteps of St. Paul
As part of this Jubilee Year, themed Pilgrims of Hope, I will be embarking on a pilgrimage tracing the missionary journey of St. Paul through Greece and Turkey. Alongside fellow Catholic principals from the Western Region, I will visit places such as Ephesus, Santorini, Corinth, Thessaloniki, Troy, Gallipoli, and Istanbul. Having previously lived in Istanbul for two years, I have been refreshing my Turkish in preparation for this meaningful journey.
Following the pilgrimage, I will be taking a few weeks of long service leave and will return to school in Week 5 of Term 2. During my absence, Laura Graham and Michelle Ristovski will be overseeing the school.
I will be absent from the school from March 26 to May 19th
Thank you for your continued support and involvement in our school community.
God Bless
St Mary’s Faith News
School and Parish Connections
Gospel: Luke 5: 1-11
They Left everything and followed him
Jesus was standing one day by the lake of Gennesaret, with the crowd pressing round him listening to the word of God, when he caught sight of two boats close to the bank. The fishermen had gone out of them and were washing their nets. He got into one of the boats – it was Simon’s – and asked him to put out a little from the shore. Then he sat down and taught the crowds from the boat.
When he had finished speaking he said to Simon, ‘Put out into deep water and pay out your nets for a catch.’ ‘Master,’ Simon replied ‘we worked hard all night long and caught nothing, but if you say so, I will pay out the nets.’ And when they had done this they netted such a huge number of fish that their nets began to tear, so they signaled to their companions in the other boat to come and help them; when these came, they filled the two boats to sinking point.
When Simon Peter saw this he fell at the knees of Jesus saying, ‘Leave me Lord; I am a sinful man.’ For he and all his companions were completely overcome by the catch they had made; so also were James and John, sons of Zebedee, who were Simon’s partners. But Jesus said to Simon, ‘Do not be afraid; from now on it is men you will catch.’ Then, bringing their boats back to land, they left everything and followed him.
St Mary’s Family Mass
Children’s Mass - Sunday 23rd February
St Mary’s School Mass – Get Involved!
We have our first St Mary’s Children’s Liturgy on Sunday the 23rd February at 10:30 am
Forms were sent home on Friday for those wishing to participate. Please complete and return them to the school as soon as possible. A meeting will be held this Friday, 14th February, to begin preparations with the children who have submitted their forms.
For families new to the school, the 10:30 AM Mass on the last Sunday of each month is dedicated to St Mary’s Primary School students. The children lead the Mass with the support of the Charism team and have the opportunity to volunteer as readers or sing with the choir.
Our choir is growing, and it’s wonderful to see so many children eager to join! Any child who wishes to sing is welcome to step up to the microphones with the choir. These Masses provide a great introduction to group singing and help build confidence in preparation for joining the school choir.
Additionally, this is a fantastic opportunity for children to develop public reading skills in a church setting. Reading at Mass differs from reading in class, as it requires voice projection, proper pacing, clear articulation, and effective pausing.
Both Monique, our parish pastoral care officer, and I, Charlotte Lipnicki, support the children at these Masses. We run through the songs with the choir and listen to the readers a few days before, ensuring they are confident with their roles.
A heartfelt thank you to all families who encourage their children to participate. It is always wonderful to see familiar faces at these Masses, and we hope even more families will join us in this special school tradition.
Altar Servers
Join Our Altar Server Team!
We are looking for students in Years 3-6 who would like to train as Altar Servers!
As an Altar Server, you play an important role in supporting Fr. Greg during Mass. You will be part of the entrance and recessional processions and, most importantly, assist in preparing the gifts for the Eucharist.
If your child is interested in this special opportunity, please contact Mrs. Lipnicki at or Fr. Greg at
We look forward to welcoming new Altar Servers to our team!
Prayer cloths
Calling All Sewers! Help Create New Prayer Cloths
We are in need of new prayer cloths for our prayer tables. The fabric has already been purchased, but we need volunteers with sewing machines who are willing to help make them.
Each class requires four prayer cloths, used throughout the year to reflect the liturgical seasons. If you can assist with this meaningful project, please contact me at
Your time and talents are greatly appreciated!
Sacramental Program 2025
This year the only Sacrament the school will be facilitating is the “Rite of Reconciliation”.
If you child is in Year 4 and is yet to make their “First Eucharist” please contact Mrs Lipnicki at
Likewise if your child is in Year 6 and is yet to make their “Confirmation” please contact Mrs Lipnicki at
School Masses
Some important Dates to Remember for Term 1
All families are welcome to attend the school Masses.
At St Mary’s, students sit as a class with their teacher in reserved pews.
The Altar servers sit in the first pew to the left of the Altar. The pews to right of the Altar are reserved for the choir and music ministry.
Parents are asked to find a seat towards the back of the church and not sit in the pews reserved for the school children.
Event |
Date |
Time |
Where |
Ash Wednesday Mass - led by Year 3/4 students |
5th March |
9:15 am |
Church |
Feast of St Joseph - led by Year 5/6 |
Clean Up Australia Day for St. Mary’s School
St Mary’s School is proud to do their part in helping the environment by participating in the annual Clean Up Australia day on:
Friday the 28th February.
Students, with their teachers, will be assigned areas around our local area and school to help clean up.
Remember: Students will need to bring to school a pair of gloves from home for the day.
Teachers will also ensure that all hands are washed and sanitised at the end of the clean up.
Swimming Trials
District Swimming
Interschool Sports
Live Your Best Life in Love...
A Marriage Encounter weekend is for you…
Every married couple deserves this very special weekend.
Time-out to nurture your most precious relationship away from daily distractions.
The two of you will come away from your weekend feeling more deeply connected
and with tools to help keep the passion alive.
No group sharing required.
The weekend is based around Catholic values. Couples of all faiths are welcome.
Please check our website for more details and to book your special weekend:
Our next weekend is: 25-27 April 2025 at St Paul's Retreat Centre, Wantirna South.
Starts Friday evening at 7pm and finishes Sunday afternoon around 4:30pm
Information/Bookings: Phone Mercy & James 0409 183 676 or
Email: Website: